Friday, August 9, 2013

Synchronicities rule the waves, ways, ways and means

Synch holes, as I call them, are one of the features you’ll come across in a journey.  Though I ran across many myself they’re difficult to point out to others.  But you can know the conditions where they might appear.  A synch hole can also be your introduction into the land of mythos. They are like the firemen’s pole that cartoon characters slide on.  As they’re responding to the fire alarms they jump from their beds, grab the pole and slide through the world of waiting, into their fire suits, down to the fire engine.  And they’re off into the world of experience.  That’s pretty much the story with synch holes.  You fall into them and travel through the world of coincidence at break neck speed.  Synchronicities are events that occur concurrently in time filtered through your experience.  One event will lead to another and they’ll mirror each other and relate in profound ways.  Often, they represent a blending of dimensions.  
            What are some of these synchronicities?  Some, you might say, are one coincidence too many.  I like to think of them as synch holes because it’s similar to a fishing hole that you can return to time and again with a sense of certainty that you’ll catch something.
            I had a bear synch that blended dimensions for me.  Bears came as gifts, as answers to my prayers, as sayings, as visitors to my lean to on a camping trip.  The saying ‘sometimes you eat the ear and sometimes the bear eats you’ transformed through my bear synch into sometimes you become the bear.  I received a bear carving from a friend, a stuffed bear, the bear visitors at the campsite, all without speaking of this bear synch to anyone.  I know that we can inadvertently create our own synchs.  Often by seeking others with similar experiences and desires.            But this means that we’re touching the deep currents of thought and motion in our lives.  You’re bound to do this when your false oars, nicotine and sugar were mine, drop off into the seas leaving you with your own resources to row home.  When you have no place to turn to on the outside you often go inside.  As others have done before.  And this is where you can sometimes see the writings on the wall.  Noticing synchronicities helped me on my way.

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